About "Bringing the Neighbor Back 2 da 'HOOD"™ Campaign
Afrikan Unity
Initiative's community development component is manifested through the
"Bringing the Neighbor Back 2 da 'HOOD"™ Campaign. This consists of
hosting Community Assessment meetings which are hosted at community centers
with the intent on empowering people to be the agent of change they desire to
see in their lives. During the Community Assessment meetings community members
are asked to outline the priorities in the area of things they would like to
see improve, things they would like to maintain, and things that they would
like to eradicate. An action plan is developed to ensure that these concerns
and ideas are successfully translated into action. The primary people
responsible for the completion of these projects will be the community members
under the facilitation of Afrikan Unity Initiative.
In addition, there
will be an entertainment component, which is done by hosting various events
where we cultivate the social bonds within the neighborhoods i.e. (urban carnivals, screen on the green movie
nights, community concerts, etc.). We will also promote economic
empowerment by hosting networking functions in order to help entrepreneurs
advance their businesses and to assist aspiring business owners to get
Many of the
communities that serve people of Afrikan descent have come to be known as the
‘Hood, which implies impoverished residents and substandard housing
accommodations. Through this campaign, we hope to bring the spirit of community
back to these areas and foster a sense of ownership within these areas. Through
these and other activities, we plan to change the face of activism across the
globe. This model will work for any community because through the Community
Assessment meetings each community gives us what their specific priorities are
in that area, and this will be enforced internationally to truly live up to our
purpose of Afrikan Unity.